Friday, October 16, 2009

Welcome to GreenAbalone

GreenAbalone is a blog dedicated to education. More specifically, Social Justice and Sustainability within the K-12 Schools within the United States. I hope to find those fellow green abalones in the educational system- those schools and programs that are standing out in the crowd to deliver sustainable and environmental education to public and private schools, people who are passionate within the field and making a difference, and the problems we have as a society to give the next generations the toolbox needed to thrive. I want to see what is going on out there, start the conversation.

Join me.


  1. I wasn't familiar with what IslandWood is doing until I started going to Intensives, so telling a little of their story would be useful.

  2. Elyn, my daughter Chloe attends a public (free!) online high school: Insight School of Washington.

    It's a cool program that's especially suited for kids who have their own reasons for wanting their education to occur outside the normal classroom. Great flexibility, depth and breadth of offerings, and it creates a space for a lot of kids who are better served in an alternative manner. This is definitely a social justice issue as far as I am concerned. And it's hard to beat the sustainable angle of online school-- very small footprint! Check it out.
